Time is GOLD!

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A simple but sometimes complex person..pero this is me...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Real name..Ahmad Rijaluddin Alfarouqi....baru turned 5 years old last 2nd July...nick tu pon...my new acquitance yg bagi....I dun really mind at all coz I do call him Ahmad rather than Rijal..Ijal or watsoeverlah.....This blog is even named after him...inilah dia my son....Skrg nie dah banyak lagik akal dia....tp the thing I kelako or even impress ngan dia is his sense of the malay languange...skema ya amat....ni musti pengaruh afi n abah nie....as long as dia tak ckp bende2 nonsense sudahlah kan....

My conversation with him tonite really had a deep impact and got me to think...how innocent a child can be about life...death...he is now into writing...memorising my name...my father's name...nama walid dia dah hafal dah....cuma nama ummi dia ni yg still nak familiarkan...esp nama akhir tue...Abdul Aziz...sebut more mcm haddul aziz...dah banyak kali kena corrected...mlm td it was more deep...he was asking me abt my late father...who was he?...where is he?...dia ngan my mom sapa?...so kenalah explain one by one...It went something like this....

Amat: Abdul Aziz ni sape?

Me: Ayah ummi lah...

Amat: taklah...atuk amatlah....

Amat: Atuk amat dengan wan sape?

Me: Suami isterilah mcm ummi ngan walid...

Amat: Mana atuk amat?

Me:Atuk dah meninggal....

Amat: KEnapa?

Me:Sebb sakit......

Amat: Sakit apa ummi?

Me: Sakit perut.....

Amat:Ummi bagilah ubat oren amat tue....

Me: Mana buleh sayang....eheheh(tergelak sorang2 dalam hati)

Amat:Kenapa tak bg ubat oren amat tue....nanti baiklah...

Me:Tak buleh sayang......( at this point...dah tak terkata apa2 pon)

That's my Amat......ader je soalan2 challenging nak tanya tiap2 ari......Hopefully next time I'm better prepared......

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